Powerful Audio Systems Demand the Best In MOSFET Technology

The consumer audio market shows continued growth potential – portable speakers still being the main driver, while new end devices (soundbars, voice-controlled and multi-room speakers) gain more and more traction. Infineon has optimized its CoolMOS™ SJ MOSFET portfolio and released the CoolMOS™ P7 for flyback based audio power supplies.

A new benchmark in efficiency and thermal management is now available with best-in-class RDS(on) dependency over Tj (low conduction losses), best-in-class VGS(th), plus lowest VGS(th) tolerance (easy to drive, easy to design in), and with an integrated Zener diode ESD protection (minimum field failure rate for high-end product quality).

All the named benefits – combined with excellent price competitiveness – make the CoolMOS™ P7 a perfect choice for audio SMPS designs. In addition, Infineon has adjusted the thermal dissipation and improved the switching performance to continued handling of only ~1/8th of the full power.

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