Infinite possibilities with Microchip mPoE

The ultimate power solution for wired ethernet networks

Microchip multi-Power over Ethernet (mPoE) technology allows you to power any wired network device seamlessly and efficiently, making it the ideal solution for Ethernet-based applications. This technology enables backward compatibility with pre-standard devices while supporting all IEEE® PoE standards.

Microchip mPoE applications include: enterprise, SMB and industrial switching, IoT for agricultural, industrial, healthcare and more.

Shaping the Future of Network Power

This versatile technology enables flexible and quick network design upgrades to address any business requirement. It delivers the scalability and interoperability necessary to power IoT networks not only today but well into the future.

Microchip Smart City

Explore solutions for Smart Home, Smart Lighting, Smart Cars, Smart Hospitals, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Maintenance, Industry 4.0 and the many other building blocks that will create the cities of tomorrow.

Microchip PoE Videos

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