Lumex has been a global leader in the optoelectronics industry, with the broadest range of high efficiency, high performance LEDs and LCDs in the industry. With thousands of standard products and a focus on semi-custom and custom designs, Lumex is a valuable resource for quality and innovation. Lumex's optical range encompasses a wide spectrum including UV, visible and infrared wavelengths. Lumex's team of Technical Design Specialists are experts in collaboratively developing effective, smart solutions from the most complex design dilemmas. Lumex has a global footprint with the worldwide headquarters outside Chicago and the Asian headquarters in Taiwan. With manufacturing capabilites in the United States, China, Taiwan, and Thailand, Lumex is able to support over 23 end markets with more than 80,000 customers both directly and through our distribution channel partners. Over the last 30 years, the name Lumex has become synonymous with quality and performance around the world.

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部品番号 View/Download タイプ
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  • LDS-A2802RI-SUG
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  • LDS-AA188RD-SO
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  • LDS-M4082RI
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  • LDS-E2807RI-USB
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  • LDC-M3007RI-USB
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  • LDT-SMA3003RI-TR
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  • LDS-AA406RI-SI
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  • LDS-AA182RI
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  • LDD-A814RI
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  • LDS-C352RI-4.8
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  • LDS-SMC2002RI-TR
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  • LDP-M562RI-UPG
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