SEMIKRON is one of the world's leading manufacturers of power modules and systems primarily in the medium output range (approx. 2 kW up to 10 MW). Their products are at the heart of modern energy efficient motor drives and industrial automation systems. Further application areas include power supplies, renewable energies (wind and solar power) and utility vehicles. SEMIKRON's innovative power electronic products enable their customers to develop smaller, more energy efficient power electronic systems. These systems in turn reduce the global energy demand.

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部品番号 View/Download タイプ
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  • SKDH146/12-L105
  • SKDH146/16-L105
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  • SKDH116/16-L105
  • SKDH116/12-L105
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  • SKDH 146/16-L75
  • SKDH 146/12-L75
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  • SKiiP 82 AC 12
  • SKiiP 82 AC 12 I
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  • SKD 116/16-L75
  • SKD 116/12-L75
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  • SEMiX155GD12T4
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  • SKiM201MLI12E4
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  • SK100GH128T
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  • SK150GB066T
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  • SKiiP38AC12F4V19
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  • SKS 46F B6U+E1CIF+B6CI 17 V06
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  • SKS 50F B6U+B6CI+B1CI 19 V12
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