103020135, Grove - 4 Channel Solid State Relay Evaluation Kit based on the High-Quality G3MC202P Module

Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd の部品 G3MC-202P を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ
    Relay Power Driver


  • Chemical Industries
  • Coal Industries
  • Medical Devices
  • Stage Light Control
  • Traffic Signals


  • 103020135, Grove - 4 Channel Solid State Relay is based on the high-quality G3MC202P module, which allows you to use a 5V DC to control MAX. 240V AC. With the help of Grove interface, it becomes very convenient to use the SSR with your arduino. We use an on-board STM32F030F4P6 to control the channels separately. The command from Arduino or other boards is transmit via the I2C interface, the on-board STM32F030F4P6 will parse the command, so that you can control the switch you want


  • Input Voltage
    4 to 6 V
  • Output Voltage
    75 to 264 (AC) V

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