AL5809QEV1, PWM Dimming by Power Supply VIN ON/OFF Evaluation Board

Diodes Incorporated の部品 AL5809 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Diodes Incorporated
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Constant-Current LED Driver
  • Instrumentation Illumination
  • Isolated LED Driver
  • LED Signs


  • AL5809QEV1, PWM Dimming by Power Supply VIN ON/OFF Evaluation Board. The AL5809Q is a two terminal constant current linear LED driver and it provides a cost-effective solution. It offers an excellent temperature stability 20 ppm/degree C and the current accuracy ±5% regulated over a wide voltage range. The AL5809Q simplifies the design for linear LED drivers allowing it to be designed as a high or low side constant current regulator without any external components. The AL5809Q turns on immediately and can swing from 2.5V up to 60V enabling it drive long LED chains. The floating ground, 60V Voltage rating between Input and Output pins designed to withstand the high peak voltage incurred in DC and offline applications


  • Input Voltage
    2.5 to 60 V
  • Output Voltage
    60 V
  • Output Current
    0.015 to 0.15 A

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