D3 CAMERA MEZZ OV5640, DesignCore Camera Mezzanine Board with 5MP micro Camera Module enables Rapid Development of Embedded Vision Applications

D3 Engineering の部品 LI-OV5640-MIPI-AF を使用したリファレンス デザイン


D3 Engineering
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • High-End Applications
  • Image Sensors
  • Opticals


  • D3 CAMERA MEZZ OV5640, DesignCore Camera Mezzanine Board with 5MP micro Camera Module enables rapid development of embedded vision applications. It supports the DragonBoard 410c by Arrow Electronics. It is the first easy solution for adding cameras on 96Boards. Direct MIPI CSI-2 access to camera data allows more realistic evaluation of embedded vision designs. It eliminates the need to decode USB or Ethernet protocols, resulting in lower power and higher performance. The miniature camera module (included) features an OmniVision 5MP image sensor and micro lens with autofocus. Available output formats include 5MP at 15fps and 1080p at 30fps. The mezzanine board includes demonstration software running Linux to display 1080p video via HDMI. It is ideal for algorithm development, end application development, and evaluation of image sensors and optics

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