DEV-14779, SparkFun LumiDrive LED Driver Development Kit

SparkFun Electronics の部品 ATSAMD21G18A を使用したリファレンス デザイン


SparkFun Electronics
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Lighting Control


  • DEV-14779, LumiDrive LED Driver is foray into all things Python on micro-controllers. With the SparkFun LumiDrive you will be able to control and personalize a whole strand of APA102s directly from the board itself. We've broken out a number of analog and digital pins from the on board SAMD21G-AU microcontroller to incorporate your own external buttons, switches and other interfaces to interact with your addressable LED strip. The SparkFun LumiDrive has been equipped with a USB-C connector which is capable enough to supply up to 1.5 Amps from a 3.1 USB port, a LiPo connector and charge circuit for portable power, as well as two poke-home connectors to allow you to plug in wires without the need for solder


  • Output Current
    1.5 A

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