MIKROE-2801, Proximity 3 CLICK Board is an Intelligent Proximity/Light Sensing Device based on the VCNL4200

MikroElektronika の部品 VCNL4200 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ
    Light Sensor


  • Display Brightness Control
  • Security Sensor


  • MIKROE-2801, Proximity 3 CLICK Board is an intelligent proximity and light sensing device, which features the VCNL4200 sensor, high sensitivity long distance proximity sensor (PS), ambient light sensor (ALS) and 940 nm IRED, all in one small package. With its smart sensing and light conditioning properties, the Proximity 3 click can be used in a wide range of applications: adjusting the brightness of the TFT screen depending on ambient light, turning off the TFT background light if it is covered, very accurate lux meters, reliable security sensors and so on

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