PCM-3343EL-256A1E, PCM-3343 Fanless, Cost-effective and PC/104 SBC Single Board Computer based on DM&P Vortex86DX-800MHz PC/104 SBC, LCD, Ethernet, CF, Onboard Memory

Advantech の部品 Vortex86DX2 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Data Acquisition System
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Factory Automation
  • Medical Appliances
  • Remote Vehicle Monitoring


  • PCM-3343EL-256A1E, PCM-3343 Fanless, Cost-effective and small size (96 x 90mm) PC/104 SBC Single Board Computer geared to satisfy the needs for various industrial computing equipment. The PCM-3343 is ideal for data-acquisition, environment monitoring systems, Intelligent Vehicle management, factory automation and medical applications that require basic X86 computing power for various low-power and cost-effective embedded applications. PCM-3343 is designed with DM&P Vortex86DX System-On-Chip. The PCM-3343 offers convenient connector layout, easy assembly with right angle connectors and multiple I/O including dual 10/100Mbps Ethernet, four USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0, VGA port, 24-bit LVDS and TTL outputs, four RS-232 serial ports (one of them can be configured to RS-422/485 serial port,) I2C connector, 16-bit GPIO, and one PC/104 expansion slot. PCM-3343 supports DDR2 333 SRAM 256MB on board to endure high vibration environments


  • Embedded System Type
  • Family Name
  • Core Processor

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