TISP821XMD-DEMO, TISP821xMD Evaluation Board based on Dual VBATT Protection for GR-1089-CORE

Bourns の部品 TISP8211MDR を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • SLIC Line Card


  • TISP821XMD-DEMO, TISP821xMD evaluation board is a two-port protection board combining the protection components to provide a simple method to test the protection components against GR-1089-CORE, issue 3 requirements. The test board also provides a simple method to allow the dual voltage ringing SLIC such as the Legerity Le79252 and Infineon PEB4265 circuits to be easily tested before layout is done with the circuit protection components. The TISP821xMD are buffered gated battery tracking overvoltage thyristor protectors that are ideal for protecting +VBATT and -VBATT SLIC applications to a maximum of ±110 V


  • Protection Type

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