Typical Application for GS431B Precision Regulator

Vishay の部品 GS431BI を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Crow Bar
  • Current Sink/Source Array
  • High-Current Converter
  • Over-Voltage & Under-Voltage Protection
  • Time Delay
  • Voltage-Monitoring System


  • Typical Application for GS431B Precision Regulator. The GS431B is 3-terminal adjustable precision shunt regulators with guaranteed temperature stability over the applicable extended commercial temperature range. The output voltage may be set at any level greater than 2.495V (VREF) up to 30V merely by selecting two external resistors that act as a voltage divider network. These devices have a typical output impedance of 0.08 ohm. Active output circuitry provides very sharp turn-on characteristics, making these devices excellent improved replacements for zener diodes in many applications

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