Analog Devices' EV Charging Solutions

EV Supply Equipment is transitioning from module to integrated-based systems. ADI’s reference design serves as a guide and demonstrates how to integrate the anchor function of energy measurement with the power supply, and application microcontroller, in a private residential, or fleet or more public environment. It also shows how to manage the charge controller to IEC61851 requirements including the necessary safety, and cyber concerns.

Analog Devices' reference design serves as a guide and demonstrates how to build an AC EV supply equipment. Engineers and developers can use it as a guide to ensure that their charging solutions adhere to industry standards, safety regulations, and performance expectations. Our solution includes the following components and features to be compliant with IEC61851. Energy measurement, our solution is shunt based, but we have other offerings if your preference is for CT’s or Rogowski’s. The ADE7978 & ADE7932or 33 provides an accurate, low retail space, cost sensitive solution providing a platform approach for single or 3-phase systems. Analog Devices' MAX32672 ultra low power Arm Cortex M4 microcontroller controls the application functions, and provides the necessary crypto-graphic security, Secure Boot, Key Storage & Signing Data. We’ve placed a MAX485E transceiver for simplifying the debug procedures, but other comms protocols are available. And power electronics are provided by Analog Devices' portfolio of power management systems. Keep in mind that the specifics of an EVSE design may vary depending on your target market, charging speed and the intended use. Get in contact to discuss your project and let us assist you in overcoming your challenges.

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