Arrow's Latest Development Platform - The DataStorm DAQ

The DataStorm DAQ is an FPGA based development platform created in collaboration with Analog Devices.

The DataStorm DAQ development platform enables the attachment of a variety of converters, sensors, RF components, and more from Analog Devices to support product development in applications such as instrumentation and measurement, healthcare, aerospace and defense, energy, and industry 4.0.  

This webinar will introduce you to the DataStorm DAQ and the resources available to help you start your next product development journey.

Attendees will Learn: 

An Overview of the DataStorm DAQ
Target Market and Applications
Benefit of Using an FPGA
Analog Devices Technology Attach
Design Resources Available
Getting Started with your Journey


Jim Catt, Precision Converter Applications Manager
Analog Devices

Jim Catt has been Precision Converter Applications Manager at ADI’s Santa Clara California location since 2019. He has worked in semiconductor applications for 15 years, covering several technology areas. Prior to this, he worked in the defense and test equipment industries, focusing on communications and signal processing. He holds an MSEE from Purdue University and an MBA from Indiana University.

Naji Naufel, Field Applications Engineer
Arrow Electronics

Naji Naufel is a Field Applications Engineer at Arrow Electronics, based in St. Louis/Kansas City region. In this role, Naji supports customers designing with Intel FPGAs and has former ASIC design experience. Naji graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree.


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