Intel® Agilex™ FPGA Design Seminar

Discover the next generation of Intel® Agilex™ 10nm SuperFin Technology FPGAs.

Join the experts from Arrow for a three-part webinar series covering the performance, architecture, and innovative capabilities of the Intel® Agilex™ 10nm SuperFin FPGAs.

Attendees will learn about Agilex:

  •  Architecture—What drives the performance
  •  Family—How do you choose what to use
  •  Design—Where do you start
  •  Fabric innovations
  •  Improvements to hyperflex architecture
  •  Routing enhancements
  •  Power reduction features and process improvements
  •  Family thermal feature improvements

Location & Dates
Intel®/ Arrow/ Agilex™ FPGA Design Seminar Series

Available On Demand


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