Silicon Labs 2021 Wireless Connectivity Tech Talks

Join Silicon Labs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and learn everything you need to know about wireless connectivity.

Our highly attended Tech Talk series is back and better than ever. Join our leading engineers for 45-minute lectures that cover everything you need to know about wireless connectivity. Explore new topics, such as a deep dive of our feature-rich security program, and get the latest updates from last year's most popular sessions. 

Series Dates



 10:00 CST/17:00 CET

 Walk Through Silicon Labs' New Support for Apple  HomeKit

 Tuesday, November 9

 New Bluetooth Mesh Light & Sensor Models

 Tuesday, November 23

 Learn More About Matter Development for the  Holidays

 Tuesday, December 7

 Secure IoT Products with Custom Part  Manufacturing Services (CPMS)

 Tuesday, December 21



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