State of the Art DC to DC Converters Webinar Series

µPOL™ Technology - State of the Art DC/DC Converters Webinar with TDK

This on-demand webinar will introduce you to the latest generation of Chip Embedded Power Modules from TDK, ideally for the future of small form factor DC-DC solutions.

Attendees will learn:

  •  Understand the advantages of TDK's SeSUB power module
  •  Learn how to easily design in the µPOL device
  •  Discover online available tools like symbols, 3D CAD model, footprints and schematics for fast design


Tony Ochoa
Director of Marketing, TDK - Faraday Semi

Tony Ochoa is the director of marketing engineer, supporting mixed signal analog in both precision and power. He has over 30 years of industry experience, and has worked for Analog Devices, National Semiconductor, Infineon, and several other start-up in the Silicon Valley area. He holds a BSEE and MBA from the University of California.




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