Toshiba, Robotics, Robot, Automation, Webinar, Motor Control

Robotics and automation involve complicated systems often including many sub-systems. Some of these sub-systems such as motor control and vision processing can be handled with devices from Toshiba and Toshiba’s associates. Robot architects and designers can then be free to address and focus on other design considerations.

In this webinar, Toshiba and Labforge will address how some of these subsystems can be addressed. Specifically, discussions will center around Toshiba motor control devices with potential board solutions followed by Labforge Bottlenose, a smart stereo camera solution.

Attendees will learn about:

Toshiba inspired robot solutions
Motor control choices for robot solutions
"Redefining What Cameras Can Do" a joint Toshiba-Labforge smart camera solution

Can’t attend the event? We’ve got you covered! Register now, and we’ll send you a link to view the webinar on-demand after the live broadcast.


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