A Detailed Look at the ADA4350 Integrated Sensor Interface from Analog Devices

In this video, you’ll learn more about the Analog Devices ADA4350 integrated sensor interface.This detailed overview showcases how the ADA4350 can be made into a one-chip sensor to ADC interface, and how it has a front-end transimpedance amplifier with a gain range that allows for a huge dynamic range not found in traditional designs.Configurable as a transimpedance amplifier or as a voltage amplifier, the ADA4350 is SPI programmable.This allows for a unique combination of gains to suit a designer’s system.Since it allows a one-chip solution with the flexibility of six gain-switching networks that can be used in many innovative ways, the ADA4350 is only limited by the designer’s imagination.Watch this video and see why there are no comparable parts on the market offering the flexibility, higher resolution, higher levels of precision, or a wider dynamic range.



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