An Overview of How to Increase Performance and Reduce Size with Analog Device’s RFPLLs

Analog Devices (ADI) has over 80 unique devices from discrete PLLs to integrated PLVCOs, covering frequencies from DC to 18Ghz — which is the widest in the industry.In this video, you can learn more about the specifications that allow for ADI’s PLLs and PLVCOs to increase output bandwidth while reducing the board space needed, and how these specifications all contribute to a high performing end product.A great example of this is illustrated with electronic test and measurement equipment, which requires a very clean, low noise synthesizer.

This video also discusses how ADI’s parts operate from 50Mhz to 6.8Ghz and 13.6Ghz respectively.This allows for the wideband system to only require one PLL VCO, which reduces the need for designers to test and verify multiple parts to cover the wide frequency range.In addition to better frequency coverage, ADI parts have very low spur power in comparison to other commercially available alternatives, which leads to low system distortion and better overall quality.Ideal for radar and many other instrumentation applications, Analog Device’s PLLSs have features that allow them to generate sweeping waveforms.Watch this quick, but comprehensive video to learn more details about the PLLs and PLVCOs from Analog Devices.


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