Microchip Total Systems Solutions for Smart Hospitals

To provide timely and correct patient data for accurate and real time diagnosis, medical care providers now require smart, connected and secure medical IoT devices.Microchip supports the expanding role of technology in smart hospitals, including innovative products in wireless connectivity, IoT, microcontrollers, microprocessors, analog, mixed signal, power management, security ICs and touch and gesture for alignment in clinical processes and management systems.

Microchip’s total systems solutions incorporate connected, protected and embedded applications that provide medical device level security and authentication, as well as connectivity solutions that lower development time and risk.These solutions offer a portfolio of products that offer MCUs with higher processing capability and lower latency, lower power and less code development, as well as software and support for clinical, wearable and implantable devices.With consistent product stability and strict quality guidelines, Microchip is ready to supply parts to all FDA and EU classes of medical devices, including FDA Class 3 devices.Learn more on how to increase revenue, reduce risk and decrease total system cost and time to market in this informative video.



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