The Features and Benefits of the Analog Devices AD4000 Family

Get a comprehensive overview of the high-precision SAR ADC AD4000 family from Analog Devices.As the industry’s first 20-bit 1.8MSPS precision SAR ADC that offers guaranteed 3.1PPM MAX INL, the AD4000 family offers designers greater resolution, sensitivity and repeatability, as well as flexibility in component selection.Combining ease-of-use features and industry-leading high precision performance, the AD4000 offers lower power and a smaller size to solve system-level technical challenges such as driving switched capacitor inputs, protecting ADC inputs, and reducing design time and risk.Key benefits of the AD4000 family include saving system power and PCB area, and increased channel density while significantly reducing design risk and time to market.Get a closer look at the internal components, architecture and performance of the AD4000 family in this informative video.



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