Accelerating Your Time to Market with Arrow’s i.MX 8 Based Boards

Join this live webinar session to explore how edge computing is increasingly important in the world of IoT.

Explore two of Arrow’s production-ready hardware platforms that address the idea of intelligent processing, actioning and presentation of data where it is being generated. Topics covered will include:

  •  Edge computing vs. cloud computing
  •  Why does edge computing matter?
  •  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  •  The problem
  •  Neural networks
  •  Edge intelligence

Introduction to:

  •  Thor96 Board
  •  AI/ML Board



Learn What’s Inside the Thor96 SBC for HMI and Industrial Control with these Free On-Demand Webinars

Cypress Semiconductor: Industry-leading 802.11ac Wi-Fi and Dual-Mode Bluetooth Connectivity

Learn about 802.11ac advantages, Cypress’ extensive 802.11ac Wi-Fi/Combo portfolio, and partner enhancements you can use to design 802.11ac into your next product. 


Why Micron was the perfect fit for the Thor96 and your application.

Learn about the Thor96 and Micron LPDRAM solution, including Micron’s broad LPDRAM portfolio and cutting-edge memory development with R&D and rigorous testing. 

micron technology logo

AVX: Components Suited for ARM & Edge Based Systems

Explore what types of transient voltage suppression to use across I/Os, options for high-speed decoupling capacitors, and how component selection can reduce parts used. 


Supplier Spotlight: Analog Devices’ A2B® Technology Enablement on Thor96 Development Board

An overview on A2B® technology including ecosystem details around the Thor96 development platform from Arrow Electronics which features A2B® content on-board. 

ADI Logo AWP Tag Large

Meet NXP's Versatile i.MX 8M Quad Applications Processor

Learn about key features and common use cases of the i.MX 8M Quad applications processor and how to access available development resources. 


Silicon Labs Mighty Gecko Modules-THOR96

Get an overview of Silicon Labs wireless mesh module, considerations for enabling multiprotocol support, and how to select the right device for your application. 

silabs logo

Littelfuse: Protection You Can Count On!

Learn how Littelfuse – a global leader in circuit protection, sensing and power control products – is proud to provide the circuit protection components that secure the Thor96 SBU. 

Littelfuse Logo


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