Free Webinar: Sensors and AI edge solution for microcontroller on predictive maintenance applications

Cartesiam, Analog Devices and Arrow are pleased to invite on their next Condition based monitoring webinar.  You will learn how to easily embed machine learning capabilities in your microcontroller without any skills in AI.   You could create your own development card with embedded Artificial Intelligence. Innovations useful for all software engineer to reduce time and cost. 


AGENDA  (webinar in French).
– Introduction — By Arrow (15 minutes)  
– The new sensors generation – Analog Devices MEMs overview — By Analog Devices (45 minutes)
– AI for everybody - New value easy to implement in IoT and Equipment   
– NanoEdge™ Studio presentation — By Cartesiam (45 minutes)
– Questions et réponses — (15 minutes) 

– Fabrice Guigues - IoT & Engineering Services BDM – Arrow  France       
– Samuel Abba - Field Application Engineer - Analog Devices France
– Joel Rubino - Cofounder and CEO - Cartesiam
– François de Rochebouët  - Founder CTO - Cartesiam

Webinar: OnDemand

Contact :  Thomas Desriac  - -  +33630656618.



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