Emerging Solutions for EV Charging

One of the biggest concerns for those considering electric vehicle adoption is range anxiety, which can be alleviated with the widespread availability of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). To catch a glimpse of Analog Devices' latest electric vehicle charging solutions, be sure to check out the EV Charging by Analog Devices Tech Snack video.

For a more detailed exploration of their solutions, consider watching the on-demand webinar. We'll delve deeper into the topic and provide valuable insights that can help you stay up-to-date on the latest developments in EV charging technology.


OnDemand Webinar | (Date: Wednesday, February 1st, 2023)

Duration: 1 hour

Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is required everywhere to meet drivers' requirements to embrace electric vehicles. Range anxiety is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to EV adoption. Therefore the roll-out of a ubiquitous, safe, and easy charging experience for EV users is of utmost importance. ADI has technologies that combine at a system level for both AC and DC systems, providing customer benefits in both residential and public settings.

This webinar will cover the anchor technology of metrology/energy measurement across the portfolio and how it adapts to the EVSE application.

In addition, other applicable solutions that fit the system signal chain will also be covered, such as digital security, power management for power supplies, isolation with communication and power isolators, secure payment, communications such as RS485 and industrial ethernet, etc.

Find out how you can get system-level solutions for EV Charging applications in this on-demand webinar.

Attendees will learn the following:

• ADI's metrology Technology
• Digital Security and its role in EVSE
• System-level solutions from Analog Devices for EV Charging applications
• How ADI can help you get started, and what is available now



Analog Devices Webinar Presenter David KeaneDavid Keane
Marketing Manager, EV Charging Infrastructure Analog Devices
David Keane is the Marketing Manager for EV Charging Infrastructure at Analog Devices. He has 17 years of experience in the semiconductor industry, having previously held roles in Quality Engineering, Failure Analysis, and Test H/W Development. David holds a BSc in Electronic Systems and an MBA from the University of Limerick.


Can’t attend the live event? We’ve got you covered! Register now, and we’ll send you a link to view the webinar on-demand after the live broadcast

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