Analog Devices Webinar: Evolution of the Additive Manufacturing Industry and Associated Technologies


Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Time: 9:00 am EDT | 15:00 CET

Duration: 1 hour

The days of Additive Manufacturing (3d printing) being a tool only for prototype builders and hobbyists are over. Additive Manufacturing is fast becoming a manufacturing solution of choice in many healthcare, aerospace, automotive, and consumer applications. As the industry moves towards mass industrialization and automation, new technologies are needed to deliver higher precision products at faster production rates. Increased focus on quality demands high inline monitoring, analysis, and testing levels.

This webinar will explore some leading print methodologies enabling the end markets. We will review the trends driving the Additive Manufacturing market and how ADI technology is part of its evolution. We will also explore some of Analog Devices' technology portfolios that apply to this industry. In particular, we will focus on ADI Trinamic industry-leading solutions for smoother, quieter, more accurate motion control.

Learning Objectives
• Overview of Additive Manufacturing industry trends.
• Review of some of the leading 3d print methodologies.
• Deep dive into some of ADI's technology in this space, including ADI Trinamic compact motor drivers and embedded motion control solutions.



Analog Devices Webinar Presenter Bríde Ní RiagáinBríde Ní Riagáin
System Applications Engineer, Advanced Automation Analog Devices
Bríde is part of the Advanced Automation team within the Industrial Automation Business Unit at Analog Devices with a focus on emerging industrial markets. Bríde has been in Analog Devices over 20 years, with a number of different roles supporting the industrial market.


Analog Devices Webinar Presenter Lars JaskulskiLars Jaskulski
Manager Business Pipeline ADI Trinamic
Lars is part of the Analog Devices Trinamic Motion Control team within the Industrial Automation Business Unit. Lars has been in Analog Devices over 8 years, with a number of different roles supporting the Motor and Motion Control market.


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