Analog Devices Webinar: Analog Devices: How to power FPGAs


OnDemand Webinar | (Date: Wednesday, March 29th, 2023)

Duration: 1 hour

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have unique power requirements. This webinar gives information about how a power management solution is generated to power FPGAs. Low power FPGAs and high power devices are discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of using reference designs versus custom designs is explained. Last but not least power management tools are introduced and tips and tricks are given.



Analog Devices Webinar Presenter Frederik DostalFrederik Dostal
Power Management Expert | Analog Devices
Frederik Dostal is a power management expert with more than 20 years of experience in this industry. After his studies of microelectronics at the University of Erlangen, Germany, he joined National Semiconductor in 2001, where he worked as a Field Applications Engineer, gaining a lot of experience in implementing power management solutions in customer projects. During his time at National, he also spent four years in Phoenix, Arizona (USA), working on switch mode power supplies as Applications Engineer. In 2009, he joined Analog Devices, where since then he held a variety of positions working for the product line, European technical support and currently brings in his broad design and application knowledge as Power Management Expert. Frederik is working out of the Analog Devices office in Munich, Germany.


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