Analog Devices Webinar: Top 5 Pain Points of Stepper Motors and How to Overcome Them


Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Time: 9:00 am EDT | 15:00 CET

Duration: 1 hour

The design of motor control systems doesn’t have to be complicated. With Analog Devices industry-leading technologies driven by Trinamic embedded in plug-and-play building blocks, Engineers can boost their product development with advanced features and overcome the most common restrictions from stepper motors like:

1. I need more performance! (More torque, higher speed)
2. Why are stepper motors so loud? (Reduction of motor noise)
3. Where was I? (Referencing and Positionin Maintenance)
4. That’s too complicated! (Evaluation and optimization, speed up development)
5. I don’t have time for that! (Turnkey solutions for care free minimum time-to-market)

Learning Objectives
How to overcome the top 5 pain points in operating stepper motors in best and efficient way.



Analog Devices Webinar Presenter Bríde Ní RiagáinThomas Ernst
Staff Engineer for Product Applications at Trinamic
Thomas Ernst is Staff Engineer for Product Applications at Trinamic based in Germany. Thomas joined the team in 2013 and is an expert in the motion control field with a decade of experience in the semiconductor industry.


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