ams Digital Temperature Sensors – Take Temperature Sensing to the Next Level

Learn about new, hyper-accurate digital temperature sensors from ams that precisely measure temperature with 0.1°C accuracy.

Temperature sensors have become even hotter products due to Covid-19 for exact body temperature measurements. The sensor ensures low power consumption and with its compact size, it is ideal for battery-powered mobile electronic devices, wearable devices, and personal health monitoring.

This webinar pictures the unique features of digital temperature sensors and their amazing use cases in medical and consumer implementations. ams offers precise digital temperature sensors for wide range of use cases, reaching from small, battery-driven wearable solutions to smart home appliances.

Attendees will learn about:

  •  Temperature sensing
  •  Use cases including medical observation, wearables, health monitoring
  •  Introduction of AS6221, the newest generation 0.1° accuracy temp sensor


Available On-Demand

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