Power Design Webinar Series

Analog Devices’ Power by Linear™ power management ICs provide high performance solutions for power conversion applications in the automotive, telecommunications, industrial, medical, computing, military, and high end consumer markets. ADI’s industry leading products and technology provide unmatched power densities, performance, and reliability. By utilizing our software design tools and experienced technical support resources, ADI can enable customers to quickly and confidently develop their next power design.

In this seven (7) part Webcast Series, application engineers from Analog Devices will share insights, learnings and tips & tricks when designing power solutions for a variety of signal chain applications. The engineers will discuss different power technologies and tradeoffs by working through real design examples utilizing ADI’s software design & simulation tools.



Power Design Webinar Series

Topic Speaker Key Element
Designing your System Power Solution using LTpowerCAD Mike Baker | Analog Devices Staff Applications Engineer Power Supply Designs REGISTER NOW
Simulating Power Solution Designs using LTspice Mike Lowrie | Field Applications Engineer, Arrow Electronics

Paul Perrault | Senior Field Applications Engineer, Analog Devices
Power & Analog Signal Chain Simulations REGISTER NOW
Designing Power Solutions for RF Signal Chain Applications Piyu Dhaker | Applications Engineer, Analog Devices RF Power REGISTER NOW
Designing Power Solutions for Battery Powered/Portable Applications Tim Watkins | Applications Engineer, Analog Devices Battery Portable Power REGISTER NOW
Designing Power Solutions for Precision Signal Chain Applications Piyu Dhaker | Applications Engineer, Analog Devices Precision Signal Chain REGISTER NOW
Designing Power Solutions for High Speed Converter Applications Charly El-Khoury | Staff Applications Engineer, Analog Devices HSC Power with µModule Regulators
Designing Power Solutions for FPGA Applications Charly El-Khoury | Staff Applications Engineer, Analog Devices FPGA Power REGISTER NOW


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