Arrow's Digital Day

You are invited to join a session about streamlining your processes with Arrow's digital tools. Each session will feature in-depth overviews of MyArrow,, and and will be hosted in 6 different languages.

Simply select the date and language below that works best for you.
The Arrow team is looking forward to sharing helpful hints and tips with you and is happy to answer all of your questions during these interactive sessions.


English Option 1: 03-March @ 09:00 AM GMT REGISTER NOW
Option 2: 08-March @ 09:00 AM GMT REGISTER NOW
German Option 1: 22-March @ 10:00 AM CET REGISTER NOW
Option 2: 24-March @ 10:00 AM CET REGISTER NOW
French Option 1: 17-March @ 14:00 PM CET REGISTER NOW
Option 2: 25-March @ 09:30 AM CET REGISTER NOW
Spanish Option 1: 17-March @ 10:00 AM CET REGISTER NOW
Option 2: 23-March @ 09:30 AM CET REGISTER NOW
Italian Option 1: 21-March @ 10:00 AM CET REGISTER NOW
Option 2: 25-March @ 15:00 PM CET REGISTER NOW
Russian Option 1: 15-March @ 10:00 AM MSK REGISTER NOW
Option 2: 18-March @ 10:00 AM MSK REGISTER NOW


Agenda    Duration: 10 min
MyArrow basic tools      
   • Create account
   • Training site walkthrough
   • How to log in and understand your dashboard
   • Part Search
   • Request a quote form part search
   • Check quote status
   • Placing orders from part search
   • Managing your backlog
Duration: 40 min
MyArrow advanced tools      
   • Uploading a quote request
   • Purchase order upload
   • Bill of Materials (BOM tool)
   • Online return processing
Duration: 30 min


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