Internet Infrastructure & Industrial Automation Tech Talks

Coming to you live from their virtual offices, Silicon Labs invites you to join their Tech Talks every Wednesday at 3:00 PM CDT.

In this series of Tech Talks, Silicon Labs will cover their timing, power and isolation solutions in internet infrastructure and industrial applications. Tech Talks will be broadcasted live and hosted by a leading engineer who will be available to answer your specific questions.

Join us from the convenience of your couch.

Topic Date
Digital Isolation for Industrial Automation Equipment Wednesday, June 17
Clock Builder Pro Tips and Tricks Wednesday, June 24
Evolution of the Isolated Gate Driver in an Energy Conscious World Wednesday, July 1
Silicon Labs’ Latest Timing Portfolio and Reference Designs Wednesday, July 8
Power Over Ethernet PD and PSE Solutions Wednesday, July 15
Discover, Evaluate and Develop with Silicon Labs’ Timing Tools  Wednesday, July 22 
Digital Isolation for Safety and Reliability in Industrial Power Supplies  Wednesday, July 29 
Fast and Easy Measurements with PCIe Clock Jitter Tool  Wednesday, August 5 
IEEE 1588 and Silicon Labs’ Timing Modules  Wednesday, August 12 



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