Deploying Machine Learning Modules from the Cloud to the Edge

Overcome the complexity of design and deployment of computer vision, ML, and IoT with Basler, NVIDIA, and AWS.

Basler identified the major challenges when developing an IoT embedded vision system for machine learning applications. Find out how Basler, NVIDIA, and AWS have bundled their competencies in the field of computer vision, machine learning, and IoT to tackle the challenges and overcome the complexity. This webinar presents insights on how an optimized embedded vision architecture can be realized for the deployment of ML-models from the AWS cloud to the edge device, enabling developers to start prototyping their smart, connected vision applications quickly. Plus, learn more about Basler's Embedded Vision Kit and Embedded Vision Kit with AWS services.

Attendees will learn:
Architecture of IoT embedded vision applications
The major challenges to overcome when developing IoT embedded vision systems
How Basler's vision kits for the NVIDIA Jetson platform speed up development
How to easily deploy machine learning modules from the cloud to the edge device


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