Join Arrow and Analog Devices at CES 2021

Reimagine the Future with Arrow and Analog Devices

Analog Devices' Free Digital Experience during CES 2021: January 11-14

ADI is asking the questions regarding the world's most difficult challenges that impact humanity. And developing the technology to solve them. Discover how ADI's advanced technologies and system-level solutions can help you design the future in consumer electronics.


Featured Arrow Electronics Demonstration: Time of Flight

As Time of Flight (ToF) technology matures, there will be further opportunities to expand the use of Time of Flight cameras in a broad array of commercial and industrial applications. Analog Devices’ collaboration with Arrow simplifies the process and supports rapid prototyping of ToF solutions that can help customers quickly get to market.

In this interactive demonstration, we will pull back the curtain on the algorithms powered by Time of Flight technology, show you the latest dev boards from ADI and arrow, and learn how Time of Flight uses 3D imaging.


Arrow and ADI offer a glimpse of some of the exciting applications for Time of Flight. What do you see with ToF?


Additional Time of Flight Resources: 

Go to Market Faster with New 3D Time of Flight Algorithms from Analog Devices
3D Imaging Time of Flight Development Platform
Time of Flight Cameras are Gaining Traction

Want to speak directly with an Arrow Representative about how you can implement ToF Technology into your designs?


On-Demand Thought Leadership Session:

2021 Global Megatrends Discussion with Arrow Electronics

Q&A discussion with Aiden Mitchell, Vice President Engineering Services at Arrow Electronics. Aiden gives his thoughts on the megatrends of 2021 and Arrow Electronics’ role in delivering technology solutions in these spaces. Aiden also discusses impact of Digital Health in our lives, connected homes and power solutions for a greener world.



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