"New space" communications constellations: reliability vs system cost tradeoffs

Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Time: 9:00 am PDT | 12:00 pm EDT | 18:00 CEST

Communications constellations volumes are driving the new space market resulting in cost vs reliability conversations across key subsystems. Uplink/downlink, connectivity subsystems and development effort are examples where tradeoffs are being debated.

Join the discussion with the aerospace and defense market leader, Microchip Technology Inc., around options to best meet your mission goals.

Attendees will learn:

  •  Market opportunity
  •  RF subsystem requirements and Microchip options
  •  Design Methodologies to increase productivity
  •  Examples of new options from Microchip to support technical and cost goals

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0922 Chuck Berry Microchip ADEF 

Chuck Berry
Business Development Manager for the Aerospace and Defense Group (ADG)

Before joining Microchip, Chuck held sales and marketing roles with TI, Xilinx and Analog Devices. Working 30+ years with clients in Aerospace and Defense, and other vertical markets, on strategic engagements with leading edge technologies has provided Chuck with a unique insight in market trends. New Space is an example of the intersection of multiple past vertical trends coming together as a disruptive new market forecasted to become the next $1T market.

0922 Tim Morin Microchip ADEF 

Tim Morin
Technical Fellow

Tim Morin is currently a Technical Fellow at Microchip in the FPGA Business Unit. Tim has over 30 years of experience in Marketing and Engineering within the Semiconductor and Defense industries. Over the course of his career Tim held numerous engineering and marketing positions at Texas Instruments Defense Electronics Group, Atmel Corporation, Actel Corporation, Microsemi Corporation and now Microchip Corporation where he is responsible for defining and bringing new products to market for the FPGA Business Unit and runs the Aerospace and Defense Marketing Organization.

0922 Baljit Chandhoke Microchip ADEF 

Baljit Chandhoke
Product Manager

Baljit Chandhoke is Product Manager for Microchip’s industry-leading portfolio of RF products. He has more than 15 years of product line management experience in customer facing roles leading teams defining new products, competitive positioning, driving design wins, revenue and go-to-market strategies in wireless infrastructure, mobility (5G), aerospace and defense market segments. He has authored multiple articles in leading industry publications, YouTube videos and webinars. Prior to joining Microchip, Chandhoke worked in leadership positions at GlobalFoundries, IDT, ON Semiconductor, Cypress Semiconductor. He completed his Master’s in Business Administration (M.B.A) from Arizona State University, M.S. in Telecommunications from University of Colorado Boulder and earned a Bachelors in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University of Mumbai, India.



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