Non-Linear Simulation of RF Amplifiers
Non-Linear Simulation of RF Amplifiers in Keysight Genesys, SystemVue and ADS
Linear and non-linear RF circuit simulation have traditionally occupied different domains. This webcast will explore a number of new RF Amplifier model structures that combine linear S-Parameter data with non-linear data such as Noise Figure, OIP3, OP1dB and PSAT. Analog Devices now provides extensive libraries of RF Amplifier models that support Keysight’s Genesys, SystemVue and ADS simulation platforms. By comparing measured vs. simulated results for characteristics such as compression, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio and EVM, we will explore the capabilities and limitations of these models.
Attendees will learn:
- Various non-linear amplifier models that are supported in Analog Devices' RF Amplifier libraries
- Structures and configuration of RF Amplifier models
- Capabilities and limitations of RF Amplifier models