Speed Up Your IoT Design with ST's New BLE Modules

Learn how ST's Bluetooth Low Energy modules and supporting ecosystem enable you to rapidly integrate BLE wireless capability into your IoT design.

In today’s connected world, Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) is powering innovation and expanding the limits of wireless communications all over the globe. With this rapid growth, designers must rely increasingly on Bluetooth Low Energy modules to meet market demand for lower power consumption, more robust and reliable BLE Link and performance, and faster time-to-market.

In this presentation, we explore how ST’s new pre-certified BlueNRG-M0/M2 modules and easy-to-use development tools help designers meet all of these requirements, while also accelerating application design.

You will learn:

  •  The key benefits of STMicroelectronics' BlueNRG-M0/M2 Bluetooth Low Energy modules
  •  About the hardware, software tools, and full working examples available to get you up and running fast
  •  How to get started with the BlueNRG-M0/M2 modules



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