Use logical and physical implementation to improve security and time-to-market

Industry 4.0, Smart Home, Home Healthcare, and Wearables are driving IoT device connectivity on a vastly large scale. Logical security that prevents remote attacks is a great baseline way to defend against a broad array of remote end-node attacks. But if attackers are particularly motivated, they can physically obtain an end node and compromise it using a variety of well know physical attacks.

Please join us to learn how Infineon Technologies, Inc. is combining its product portfolio to offer compelling integrated IOT security solutions with preconfigured software to improve time to market at a lower cost.

Attendees will learn:

  • How to use a logical and physical implementation to improve security
  • About Infineon’s preconfigured software to save development time and cost
  • Which markets would benefit from dual security implementation and why


Erik Wood
Director Secure MCU Product Line | Infineon

Erik brings more than 14 years of entrepreneurial experience building several startups in the area of wireless sensor networks and cryptography for resource constrained IoT devices. Erik joined Cypress Semiconductor through Ramtron and served as Head of Product and Business development. Today, Erik runs the secure MCU product line for Infineon Technologies. Erik holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering a corporate MBA.

Eduardo Morral
Senior Manager Product Marketing OPTIGA™ Trust | Infineon

Eduardo brings more than 15 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience in the technology sector. Eduardo joined Infineon in 2014 serving as Product Marketing Manager responsible for Infineon’s portfolio of security controllers for industrial and automotive applications, playing a key role in doubling the size of the business. Eduardo is currently responsible for the global strategy and product portfolio of the OPTIGA™ Trust family. Eduardo holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and an MBA.


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