WEBINAR: Analog Devices Step up Quality of Stepper Motor Positioning Systems


OnDemand Webinar | (Wednesday, December 14th, 2022)

Duration: 1 hour


Stepper motors are used in a broad range of applications where digital information is transformed into physical real world positioning movements, such as pick-and-place analyzers, conveyors, cameras, microscopy, linear actuators, 3D-printing, dispensers... This Webinar shall help to understand and align latest driver + controller technologies and trends that address specific challenges with stepper motor applications and improve quality, reliability and efficiency.

Learning Objectives

• Overview of latest technology trends
• Overview of specific pain-points and solutions
• Easy-to-grab examples

Who Should Attend:

This webinar addresses people who are interested in latest technology trends around stepper motor control or are working on applications that include stepper motor control.



ADI-Thomas-ErnstThomas Ernst
Staff Engineer, Product Applications | Analog Devices
Thomas collected almost one decade of motor and motion control in-application experience as development and Field Application Engineer with Trinamic (now ADI Trinamic).


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