Webinar: Omron sensors for access control and environmental control

This training with Omron will be delivered by Gabriele Fulco (Product Manager Sensors) and will cover the following sensors which can be integrated in a large variety of applications, including particularly popular ones in this
post-COVID period like access control and environmental control:

  •  Thermal sensors D6T
  •  Human vision HVC-P2
  •  Light convergent reflective sensor B5W-LA/LB
  •  Touch sensor W7ED
  •  Air quality sensor B5W-LD
  •  Environment sensors 2JCIE D

Contactless sensors are proving their worth, as the coronavirus crisis focuses attention on the need to count numbers of people in spaces, even to measure the temperature of individual humans within their field of vision. No-contact sensors provide the solid basis to solutions for access control and body temperature measurement – both of which provide countermeasures to the COVID-19 threat. Recent developments make these vital devices more dependable and reliable.




Gabriele Fulco
European Product Marketing Manager, Sensors, Omron


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