Silicon Labs Webinar: What's Next in Smart Retail

In this webinar, retail technology experts discuss the retail landscape, the value of unique retail technologies, and how to move omnichannel strategy forward.

Silicon Labs is continuing the conversation on Smart Retail Technology with omnichannel expert and Forbes contributor, Chris Walton of Omni Talk and Loïc Oumier, VP Operational & Digital Marketing at SES-imagotag. They will discuss and share their insights on:

  •  Retail technology in our current climate
  •  Trends in retail tech by region
  •  Retailer leaders succeeding in implementing an infrastructure technology strategy like Amazon, Walmart and HEB
  •  Highlight technologies like electronic shelf labels, contactless check-out and loss prevention tags
  •  How retailers can move their omnichannel strategy forward

  • Dates/Time:

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