Follow these steps to learn how the BeagleBone Black is made.
1. Solder Paste: In this process, solder paste is added to component pads where solder is required. This can be achieved using a stencil. After solder paste is applied, the machine inspects panel for amount of solder applied.
2. Pick and Place: Pick and place machine is pre-loaded with reels of components. During this process, the machine picks the components from reels or other dispensers and places them onto the boards.
3. Reflow Oven: Each panel is passed through an oven for reflow soldering of surface mount components.
4. Hand Placement: Through hole connectors are hand placed in preparation for selective soldering.
5. Selective Soldering: Parts to be selectively soldered are usually surrounded by parts previously reflowed in SMT.
6. PCB Washing: PCB are passed through washing machine to clean the flux residue from previous solder jobs.
7. Optical Inspection: Boards are inspected by an Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machine. Poor solder joints, misplaced or wrong components are visually detected here. Manual inspection is also performed right after automatic inspection.
8. Flashing and Burn-In: Each boards is flashed with factory software and undergoes burn-in tests.
9. Functional Testing: This process determines which board is qualified to be packed and shipped. Functionalities and interfaces of each board are thoroughly tested on test fixtures.
10. Packing and Shipping