1Sheeld+, Shield Board for iOS & Android based on ATmega162 MCU

使用 Integreight, Inc 的 ATmega162 的参考设计


Integreight, Inc
  • 应用类别
  • 产品类别


  • Home Appliances
  • Radio Controlled Toys


  • 1Sheeld+, Shield Board is an easily configured shield for Arduino. It has a built-in Bluetooth low energy module that gives to your Arduino the capability to connect itself to your iOS and Android phones. Thanks to the 1Sheeld app available on the App Store and Google Play Store you can easily associate your Android smartphone to it and turning your smartphone in a shield itself. Once connected you can control your Arduino with the smartphone sending data and controlling pins but you can also do the opposite. The 1Sheeld library gives to your Arduino the full control of the smartphone. You can use your smartphone as LCD, Accelerometer, GPS, SMS, Phone, and all your smartphone capabilities as Arduino shields, without having to buy all of them. You have a powerful smartphone that can be used to control your RC car, and control your home appliance


  • Operating Frequency
    7.37 MHz


