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Discover how customizing designs and new standard product lines can provide time-to-market and configuration benefits and help you meet application-specific feature specifications.

With products that have stood up to some of the most intricate complexities of the automotive, consumer, communications, and industrial markets, Bourns is a top resource for innovative, performance-driven components. Their top-quality solutions are built to be functional, practical, and cost-effective, and you can design them into your applications to leverage both reliability and efficiency.

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Seventy-five years ago, co-founders Marlan and Rosemary Bourns set up shop in their tiny 384-square-foot garages in Altadena,  California. Their idea to provide a component solution to accurately determine an aircraft's pitch attitude solved a crucial problem for pilots. Their invention of the first miniature linear motion and vane position potentiometers propelled the Bourns' small start-up into the global corporation it is today. What started from the development of a single product, Bourns, Inc. is now known as a trusted innovator and manufacturer of a wide range of advanced products that are used in thousands of electronics industry applications.


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