BeInMotion, BeMicro SDK Motor Control Design Lab

Reference Design using part MPC17C724EP by Arrow Development Tools


Arrow Development Tools
  • Application Category
    Motor Control
  • Product Type
    DC Motor Control


  • BeInMotion, BeMicro SDK Motor Control Design Lab. You will build a processor-based hardware system and run software on it. You will see how quick and easy it is to build motor control systems using Qsys and the Nios II EDS to configure and integrate pre-verified IP blocks. The reference demos include programming the system as an autonomous vehicle with wall and edge avoidance and synchronized movement. Simple PID control will be used to influence the DC motor speed and position. The stepper motor will be controlled based on full step, half step and micro-stepping modes. A final demo has been included in the appendix to monitor the charge remaining in the battery system and display the value on the LCD

Key Features

  • Motor Type
    DC Motor|Stepper Motor

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