DPP904R000, MEAS Pi Weather Shield Evaluation Board based on the HTU21D Humidity Sensor, MS5637 Pressure Sensor, TSYS01 Temperature Sensor and TSD305-1C55 Thermopile Sensor

Reference Design using part HTU21D by TE Connectivity


TE Connectivity
  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Temperature Sensing

For End Products

  • Sensor Control - Weather Station
  • Temperature Monitoring


  • DPP904R000, MEAS Pi Weather Shield provides the necessary hardware to interface the HTU21D digital relative humidity sensor, MS5637 digital barometric pressure sensor, TSYS01 temperature system sensor, and TSD305-1C55 digital thermopile sensor to any system that utilizes Raspberry Pi compatible expansion ports configurable for I2C communication. All sensors have a low power stand-by mode for power-sensitive applications, that is a fully calibrated during manufacturing. It can operate from 1.5V to 3.6V, has selectable resolution, low battery detect, and check sum capability

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