MPOS-STD2-PRO#, MPOS-STD2: Turnkey PCI-PTS Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal is a working Prototype with Casing of the full MPOS

Reference Design using part MAX32550 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Product Type
    Wireless Connectivity

For End Products

  • Mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS)
  • PIN Pad Terminal


  • MPOS-STD2-PRO#, MPOS-STD2 is a complete Mobile POS reference platform that embeds a color TFT display, keypad, mag stripe reader, smartcard reader, Bluetooth, contactless interface, and LiPo rechargeable battery. The device is a complete MPOS-in-a-box solution that has been pre-evaluated by security labs for compliance with PCI-PTS 4.0 standards. It is a full turnkey solution that comes with an extensive hardware and software bundle that includes all the pieces required to successfully modify, adapt, build, program, certify, and manufacture a Mobile POS terminal and thus, in large quantities. The MPOS-STD2 reference design is based on the MAX32550 Secure Flash-based Cortex M3 microcontroller that embeds most of the peripherals and analog interfaces required to operate a Mobile POS with a limited number of external components

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