STEVAL-STLKT01V1, SensorTile Development Kit based on STM32L476JGY MCU and Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity of BlueNRG Network Processor

Reference Design using part STM32L476JGY6TR by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
    Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Product Type


  • STEVAL-STLKT01V1, SensorTile Development Kit designed to support and expand the capabilities of the SensorTile and comes with a set of cradle boards enabling hardware scalability. The development kit simplifies prototyping, evaluation and development of innovative solutions. It is complemented with software, firmware libraries and tools, including a dedicated App. The SensorTile is a tiny, square-shaped IoT module that packs powerful processing capabilities leveraging an 80 MHz STM32L476JGY microcontroller and Bluetooth low energy connectivity based on BlueNRG network processor as well as a wide spectrum of motion and environmental MEMS sensors, including a digital microphone. SensorTile can fit snugly in your IoT hub or sensor network node and become the core of your solution

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