LT3950: 1.5A Multi-Topology Non-Synchronous LED Driver

High Contrast applications (day to night) require high dimming ratios. The LT3950 provides up to 20,000:1 dimming ratio, providing highest dynamic range dimming for day/night vision.

Flexibility to combine with analog input dimming provides accurate LED brightness control and eliminates the need for microcontrollers.

Key Features and Benefits

20,000:1 external PWM (pulse-width modulation) dimming allows high dynamic range dimming of the LED load. 
Accurate PWM control and short-circuit protection so that it can maintain constant brightness of LEDs in side-by-side strings and protects LEDs from damage.
SSFM Ensures Low EMI performance. Passes CISPR25 Class 5. Synchronized to PWM frequency to eliminate visible LED flicker.


General Purpose: Scanners, Industrial panels, Display backlighting, Video wall Displays, LED arrays
Automotive: High Contrast Instrument Clusters, TFT-LCD LED backlighting, HUD (Head-Up Display)
Aerospace and Defense: HUD, LED backlighting, high contrast instrument clusters
Healthcare: COVID Tester

Evaluation Board

The LT3950 can be evaluated with the DC2788A.

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