NXP KW Seminar

This 10 video series of hands on training for the Kinetis41Z MCU and Rigado R41Z-EVAL board will provide solutions to your Bluetooth technologies.

Lesson 0 - An Introduction to the Course and Meet Your Trainer

Lesson 0 provides a brief overview of the KW41Z video series.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Kinetis KW41Z MCU and the Rigado R41Z-EVAL board

Lesson 1 provides an introduction to the KW41Z MCU and the development boards that will be used in the KW41Z video series.

Lesson 2 - Downloading and Setting-up the MCUXpresso IDE and SDK

Lesson 2 shows you how to setup the MCUXpresso IDE and SDK. The lesson also covers installation of a serial terminal program that will be used in the hands-on labs.

Lesson 3 - Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy

Lesson 3 provides an introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy, including the history of Bluetooth and terminology associated with the technology. You’ll also go over system architecture for Bluetooth Low Energy, including a discussion of the stack. Hardware required: (1) R41Z-EVAL board or (1) FRDM-KW41Z board.

Lesson 4 - Creating a BLE Beacon

Lesson 4 is a hands-on lab that walks-through the creation of a BLE beacon. Hardware required: (1) R41Z-EVAL board or (1) FRDM-KW41Z board.

Lesson 5 - Creating a BLE Heart Rate Sensor with Pairing & Bonding

Lesson 5 is a hands-on lab that walks-through the creation of a BLE Heart Rate Sensor. The lab also shows how to enable security with pairing and bonding. Hardware required: (1) R41Z-EVAL board or (1) FRDM-KW41Z board and an Android or iOS Smartphone.

Lesson 6 - Introduction to the Thread Architecture

Lesson 6 introduces Thread Networking technology. You’ll get an overview of what Thread is and why it was created, go over the network architecture, and take a deeper dive into the individual layers of the Thread stack. Hardware required: (2) R41Z-EVAL boards or (2) FRDM-KW41Z boards.

Lesson 7 - Creating a Basic Thread Network

Lesson 7 is a hands-on lab which shows you how to create a simple Thread network. Hardware required: (2) R41Z-EVAL boards or (2) FRDM-KW41Z boards.

Lesson 8 - Overview of Thread Commissioning

Lesson 8 discusses how a Thread network is commissioned. Hardware required: (2) R41Z-EVAL boards or (2) FRDM-KW41Z boards.

Lesson 9 - Using BLE with Thread

Lesson 9 is a hands-on lab that shows how the dual-protocol capabilities of the KW41Z can be leveraged to commission a Thread network using BLE. Hardware required: (2) R41Z-EVAL boards or (2) FRDM-KW41Z boards and an Android or iOS Smartphone.

Lesson 10 - Demonstration of Thread Mesh Networking

Lesson 10 further explores some of the features of Thread Networking you went over in lesson 7. You’ll build on the simple two-node network you created in Lesson 7 by adding a 3rd end-device to the network. You’ll be able to explore the multicasting capability that IPv6 addressing brings to Thread. You’ll also re-visit the self-healing capability of thread networking and see how the network reforms when a leader goes down. Hardware required: (3) R41Z-EVAL boards or (3) FRDM-KW41Z boards.



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